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You probably live life on the fringes, do a lot of research to belong. You may be feeling socially isolated, utilizing other activities to soothe. You might take weeks making a decision for fear of making the wrong choice.  You worry excessively about getting a bad grade or letting someone down. The pressure to do things correctly the first time.

Have you been working through something in your head, but find that you keep rehashing the same thoughts and ideas again and again? Is there part of your life where you’ve been feeling stuck, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to move forward? Anxiety is an unwelcome guest that shows up unannounced, is constantly telling you that you should be better than this, causes you to worry what others think of you and just disrupts your ability to function normally.

You are seen as Smart, successful, Driven & Strong.  Supporting others is what you do.  You have no sense of what support looks like for you.  But you know you need help.

You want to change things for others – how about for yourself?

You describe yourself as Introspective, Intelligent, and Highly Sensitive to the emotions of others, real or perceived.  You feel unsettled in your body and uncomfortable saying or feeling what you need.

You know your sensitivity and intelligence are assets – let me help you make that a reality.

This does not have to be you. What if- just what if– it was ok? What if its ok to go and try that thing you have been thinking about- for years and not have every detail on how to complete it from start to finish? I give you a chance to process, then I offer some tools and ideas. I’d love to hear about what’s going on for you. I offer an open mind and a safe space to talk.

We’ll work together to stop the cyclical thought patterns of perfectionism, anxiety, and imposter syndrome. Our work together will build your confidence and help you take some of the baby steps you know you have been needing to take.

"If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong."
Masaru Emoto